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Life After Domestic Abuse - Raising awareness

 I am a survivor of domestic abuse. This is my page where I want to raise awareness and share my experience.

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Love after Domestic Abuse

Dating and starting new relationships after domestic abuse can be tricky and for many quite scary. I did meet someone after being in an...


Imagine being controlled, money capped, walking on eggshells, living in fear when the door opens, being called names, threats, taunted,...

Love Bombing

Like so many I didn’t see it coming. No one ever does. Domestic Abuse is hard to spot if you have no knowledge about it and so many times...

Triggers & Comparisons

As some may have read in previous blogs, I am currently pregnant with my second child with a new partner. This time around is of course...

Little too late

I have written about victim blaming previously but I am always saddened to see how rife and how venomous social media and society can be...

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is a form of coercive control designed to restrict a victim’s freedom or degrade them. Financial abuse occurs in nearly...

Self Care - Love yourself

For anyone self-care is important but particularly if you have suffered any type of trauma. Without taking care of yourself nothing else...

Freedom is never given by the oppressor….

So many survivors are requested to parent with their abusers. When people say ‘At least you get break’ – no trust me its not a break its...

Post Separation Abuse

For many years we have had the belief that when you left an abusive relationship the abuse would end. Of course, we now know that this...

Coercive control

Coercive control “The most important anomalous evidence indicates that violence in abusive relationships is ongoing rather than episodic,...

Ticking Time Bomb

Last night I woke abruptly with an intense sense of fear and shock. Maybe some of the shock was because this was the first nightmare I...

Victim Blaming/Shaming

“In my experience, having worked with a lot of victims and people around them, people blame victims so that they can continue to feel...

So it begins

Its been a tough time recently, the first trimester of pregnancy is usually the toughest and I have been exhausted and nauseous. My...

The case that has everyone talking

When passing judgment on cases/victims we need to be aware of what we want to put out there. The language we use matters, the bigger...

Pregnancy Announcement (my story)

A few months ago I found out that I am pregnant with my second child by my new partner, (We have been together for over 3 years now)....

Introducing LADA

January 2018, I escaped from my abuser. I made a vow to my baby daughter only months old at the time id never allow her to be in that...

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Lavender Fields

About Me

Welcome to my personal journey from surviving domestic abuse, what comes after, raising awareness, surviving the courts and parenting with a perpetrator. Life after DA is bitter sweet and an emotional roller-coaster. I hope to reach those who have been through the same and possibly help anyone going through this. Reminding all that there is life after abuse. 


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